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5 Easy Steps to a Better Handwriting

Posted on 21/04/2018

1. Get a Good Grip
Begin by holding your pencil at the top near the eraser and slowly try to write your name. This will seem very tough and awkward obviously. The idea is that when you hold your pencil the correct way, writing becomes much easier and more importantly, a pleasure. The best way to hold a pen or pencil is to let it rest next to the base of your thumb. Practice holding it in place with your thumb, and your index and middle fingers.

2. Use Lined/Single Ruled Paper

Lined/ Single ruled paper is one of the most effective tools for practicing. Those lines can help you create letters that are of the right size and proportion. By proportion one can properly differentiate the lowercase letters from the uppercase letters. For instance a lowercase letter should be half the height of an uppercase letter. One must ensure that the lined space is filled up completely. Upper case letters should stretch from the bottom line to the top. Lines also help to keep writing straight instead of uphill or downhill.

3. Slow Down

The key to a good handwriting is to be slow and steady. Speed is not the ultimate goal. A beautiful and legible handwriting can be developed through slow and steady practice. If your writing is hard to read or you erase a lot, try slowing down a little. Going slower solves the problem for most people. If you try to speed, it's hard to control where you stop and start your letters, and one ends up making more mistakes.

4. Take it Easy on the Writing Instrument Lower the Pressure

Some of us tend to press down really hard on our writing instruments when we write. This makes it harder to make the smooth lines needed for writing, especially cursive. Try easing up, don't grip the pencil or pen as tightly, and let your pencil or pen mark the paper without going all the way through. You'll break fewer pencil points or nibs as a result!

5. Playing Board Games

Game playing is found to have a positive effect on improving one’s handwriting. Many games require us to write or draw pictures. This helps to develop the skills needed to control the writing instrument better. To have a greater control over how one’s hands move, one should try popular games like Jenga or Don't Spill the Beans.